
Counter: React, Custom Events and Nano Stores

Let’s take another Counter example, but done completely in Custom Events / the EventTarget model and React, with a state of just let count = 0, like so:

import { Counter } from "./Counter";

let count = 0;

window.addEventListener("CounterRequest", (event) => {
  count += event.detail?.by || 0;
    new CustomEvent("CounterResponse", {
      detail: count,

export default function App() {
  return <Counter />;

The Counter component would be something like this:

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export function Counter() {
  const ref = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    const listener = (event) => {
      ref.current.textContent = event.detail;
    window.addEventListener("CounterResponse", listener);
    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener("CounterResponse", listener);

  useEffect(() => {
    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CounterRequest"));
  }, []);

  return (
        onClick={() =>
            new CustomEvent("CounterRequest", { detail: { by: 1 } })
      <span ref={ref} />
        onClick={() =>
            new CustomEvent("CounterRequest", { detail: { by: -1 } })

Now you might be wondering, is there a way to remove the useEffect hooks? Everyone hates useEffect. There’s a chance that if the component re-renders, which the events fire more than once. This would then cause the events to be added and removed due the component re-rendering. I kinda wish I can just use custom events without needing to worry about what React will do!

Entering: Nano Stores.

We can take the same example but now let’s start incorporating Nano Stores… but not fully. See the end for how to do this fully with nano stores.

App would look like the following:

import { Counter } from "./Counter.jsx";

export default function App() {
  return <Counter />;

Counter.jsx would look like the following now:

import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react";
import { $counter } from "./counter.js";

export function Counter() {
  const counter = useStore($counter);

  return (
        onClick={() =>
            new CustomEvent("CounterRequest", { detail: { by: 1 } })
        onClick={() =>
            new CustomEvent("CounterRequest", { detail: { by: -1 } })

There’s no useEffects now! Less business logic in the component! But there’s a cost - the cost is an extra import to $counter:

import { atom } from "nanostores";

let count = 0;

export const $counter = atom(count);

window.addEventListener("CounterRequest", (event) => {
  count += event.detail?.by || 0;
    new CustomEvent("CounterResponse", {
      detail: count,

window.addEventListener("CounterResponse", (event) => {

The benefit to this is that we’re no longer subjected to the quirks of React or any UI library or framework. React is known to re-render. This may cause events to mount and unmount. This may cause events to be sent more than once due to the re-rendering of components.

That’s because Nano Stores is designed for moving logic not related to UI to stores. However, if there’s a way to achieve the same thing without Nano Stores, and without useEffect, but still with React, then feel free to make a pull request to this repo: I did it without using useState! is the diff.

But wait, why even use custom events?

In this example, it could be argued that everything can be done in one file:

import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react";
import { $atom } from "nanostores";

const $counter = atom(0);

export function Counter() {
  const counter = useStore($counter);

  return (
        onClick={() =>
          $counter.set(counter + 1);
        onClick={() =>
          $counter.set(counter - 1);

However, in this particular case, we need a reference to $counter to manipulate $counter in DevTools. We would need to add $counter to window, like the following: window.$counter = $counter. In in the Custom Events and Nano Stores example, we can just simply do window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('CounterRequest')) to get or manipulate the counter value, and add a listener for CounterResponse to read the value, e.g. window.addEventListener('CounterResponse', e => console.log(e.detail)). Plus, I can add more event listeners if I want to!

Try doing the following: Go to

  1. Open up DevTools
  2. In the console, type the following: window.addEventListener('CounterResponse', e => console.log(e.detail));
  3. Repeat it again 2 more times.
  4. Now run the following: window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('CounterRequest', {detail: {by: +1}}));
  5. Run it a couple more times.

Notice that React updates, but in the devtools we also get rhe newly updated values printed 3 times! This is quite useful when thinking about situations where we need to also fire off data to API due to certain situations like an Error.


Harman Goei (hrgui) is a developer that loves to make cool and awesome web applications. His strength is in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, but he is willing to code anywhere in the stack to make the web be awesome.

© 2025 Harman Goei