

What I Did

  • Created an interactive web application for prospective USC Viterbi students that showcases USC Viterbi School of Engineering life and its respective students
  • Used an agile development process, where the client sees progress every two weeks
  • Utilized APIs such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yelp to create interactivity for the web application.

Technologies Used


When I was working as a student web developer at USC, I also had a chance to work on the school’s advertising campaign, VKEY. VKEY is a key given to prospective USC Viterbi students to showcase the life while attending school.Here, I learned what it is like to have a client, gathered requirements, and delivered a product to them that they can use and also students can use. VKEY showed the day-to-day lives of Viterbi students, showcased Viterbi professors and their work, and also showed their social life. It also had their top places to go to in Los Angeles. Interesting things I used were the Yelp and the Google Maps API. I integrated those two APIs to provide a rich, interactive experience to get the student’s top favorite places to go to.


Harman Goei (hrgui) is a developer that loves to make cool and awesome web applications. His strength is in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, but he is willing to code anywhere in the stack to make the web be awesome.

© 2025 Harman Goei